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Publication List:
2012. Ridington, Amber. Continuity and Innovation in the Dane-zaa Dreamers’ Song and Dance Tradition: A Forty-Year Perspective. In Hoefnagels, Anna and Beverly Diamond (eds.) Aboriginal Music in Contemporary Canada: Echoes and Exchanges, 31-60. Kingston: McGill-Queens UP.
2012. Oker, Garry with Amber Ridington. Featured Interview: From Tea Dance to iTunes: Recomposing Dane-zaa Dreamers’ Songs. In Hoefnagels, Anna and Beverly Diamond (eds.) Aboriginal Music in Contemporary Canada: Echoes and Exchanges, 61-69. Kingston: McGill-Queens UP.
2011. Ridington, Amber and R. Ridington. Performative Translation and Oral Curation: Ti-Jean/Chezan in Beaverland. In Swann, Brian (ed.) Born in the Blood: On Native American Translation, 138-167. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P.
2011. Ridington, Robin and J. Ridington, P. Moore, K. Hennessy and A. Ridington. Ethnopoetic Translation in Relation to Audio, Video, and New Media Representations. In Swann, Brian (ed.) Born in the Blood: On Native American Translation, 211-241. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P.
2008. Ridington, Amber and Kate Hennessy. Building Indigenous Agency Through Web-Based Exhibition: Dane-Wajich – Dane-zaa Stories and Songs: Dreamers and the Land. In J. Trant and D. Bearman (eds.) Museums and the Web 2008: Proceedings (CD-ROM), Toronto: Archives & Museum Informatics. Published March 31, 2008. Online at:
2007. Ridington, Amber and Kate Hennessy. Virtual Exhibit Catalogue. Dane Wajich – Dane-zaa Stories and Songs: Dreamers and the Land. Doig River First Nation.
2006a. Ridington, Amber. Review of Drawing on Identity: Inkameep Day School and Art Collection. Museum Anthropology 29(1):73-75.
2006b. Ridington, Amber. Preserving a Cultural Landscape Through Memory: The Quonset Auditorium Legacy. Kentucky Places and Spaces 2(1):9-26.
2003 Ridington, Amber. The Quonset Auditorium, Bowling Green, Kentucky. Recent Past Preservation Network. Online May 2003:
2002a. Ridington, Amber. History Worth Preserving – The Quonset Auditorium. Landmark Report XXI(3):1-3. Landmark Association of Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky.
2002b. Ridington, Amber. Fragile Treasures Linking Generation to Generation. Cultural Ties – A Newsletter of the Alaska National Register Program 1(1):1, 3.
2002c. Ridington, Amber. At the Crossroads, Commercial Music and Community Experience. The Quonset Auditorium – A Roadhouse on the Dixie Highway. Masters Thesis. Western Kentucky University.